Kane’s STyleMail Case Study
Kane’s Furniture sought more than just enhanced customer engagement; they envisioned a paradigm where every communication resonated personally with the recipients, enhancing their buying journey.

STyle Finder Case Study
A Top 100 Retailer recently expanded their partnership with Shoptelligence to implement the STyle Finder module on their website alongside Room STylist. STyle Finder is

Coaster Supply Insights Case Study
Coaster, a leading North American importer and distributor of fine furniture, has recently added Shoptelligence’s Supply Insights module to its website to improve demand forecasting

Coaster Demand Gen. & STyle Insight Case Study
Coaster, a leading North American importer and distributor of fine furniture, has recently added Shoptelligence’s Demand Generation platform to its consumer-facing website. Implementing this innovative solution

Jerome’s Furniture Case Study
We are excited to release a case study with Jerome’s Furniture, a Top 50 U.S. Furniture Store. With their commitment to providing customers with the

Kane’s Furniture Case Study
As retail begins to reopen, the changes in the shopper journey caused by COVID will permanently affect the role of the sales associate.

El Dorado Furniture Case Study
As retail begins to reopen, the changes in the shopper journey caused by COVID will permanently affect the role of the sales associate.

Add to Cart Case Study
A Top 100 Furniture Retailer has recently implemented Shoptelligence’s Interactive Ensembles technology. The platform takes a retailer’s basic product data and transforms it into shoppable,

Gardner-White Furniture Case Study
Gardner-White Furniture, 2018 Retailer of the Year and Furniture Today Top 100 company, has recently implemented Shoptelligence’s Interactive Ensembles technology.